Yes.. I'm sorry.. I have to admit it.. I am a closet writer... that breed which writes furiously but keeps everything tucked away for no one to see... People who know me told me I should have come out long and ever ago... hehehe.. but I don't think I was ready then. Maybe the world still isn't ready since writing for the most part comes from the world we live in and the experiences we live!
Well now we've got that all out on the table... just putter around and I hope you enjoy your visit with what I've put online so far. Hopefully you'll find a surprise 'round every corner!
My Personal Rant: Really and for true... I'm pretty quiet by nature, but some things really pee me off... so if you dare.....
And Now The Animals Rant: A must see for all animal lovers. It will make you cry.
Come check out my story that's a work in progress.
A tangled web of power run amok in a sports team.
This is a MUST SEE for all you sports fans who ever
wondered what goes on behind closed doors.
Parental guidance is suggested though if that's an issue in your home.
A small collection of what I've written.
Bits of Fun!: Here you'll find teeny little programs you can have a bit of fun with... It's not all seriousness at this site ya'know! There's always time for play!
Top Ten Midis: Come check out my top ten midis. I'm gonna be updating this page periodically and putting new ones in the place of ones that are here so come back often aye.
Awards: Wanna take a peep at my awards?
Please take time to look at the pictures.. it could mean one less missing child...
You can email me your comments if you please at Gulfgarden