So you came here just to take a look to see what awards are tucked in here aye. Well I'm sorry I fooled you.. I haven't any awards. Don't know how people get them... certainly not interested in them but I just wanted to talk a bit about vanity. And please resist that urge to hit the back button. I want you to at least come away from my web site thinking of something... with some sort of impression....

Sure.. some of these web sites get legitimate awards, but how the heck do some of these sites amass bunches and bunches of them... what's the scheme and who do they sell their soul to.

Some of them put them up as trophies; as that it's their being... like thier lives wouldn't be complete without them... devoting pages and pages to them, like the hunter puts his rare buffalo head on the wall for all to see. It's like an accomplishment, but an accomplishment of what?

But I guess that's something to do with the human psyche... we have to show that we have something that someone else hasn't. We have to be better than the next person for if we fail our lives have been in vain. And what better way to show it in material wealth.

Now I'm not having a go at people who display all these little awards, but it's a point I want to get across... you are here because you had to check out to see if I had something maybe you didn't.. or that you might want to try and get.... that old saying.. keeping up with the Jones's... And I'm not having a go at you for being here.... I was actually hoping you would be; that you'd want to see for yourself what was here.

Does our culture breed this need for material things? What spurs us on to want more and more; to have more than the next person? Why are we never happy with what we have and why do we have to display our posessions like trophies? These are all questions not only about the awards that people display on thier web pages, but in general everyday life. It's something we have to sit and think about. Is having all these material things make us better people? Or is it just a sign of vanity? Think about it!

Take me back to the main page!

And if you want to email me you can at Gulfgarden

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"Allison Road".