Major Payne and the Fluffer Speak Out!!!
"Quarantine is inhumane for those of us who have had our needles against rabies."
These are my two little cuddlies who contrary to their quiet nature are speaking out against an arcane law that is both inhumane and outdated. But if you come in contact with it, you realize it.
Major PayneFluffé
The United Kingdom still forces responsible pet owners who have inoculated their animals against disease to separate their animals from the general population. Their supposed worry.. Rabies.
This separation is for six months at an approximate cost of $1500 US. But who is really benefitting from it? What purpose does it serve in terms of today's veterinary vaccinations? It's not mad cow disease... something their cows were falling prey to where hundreds of animals had to be destroyed both there and as a result of their animals coming in here, some of our cows had to be destroyed as well.
There IS a vaccination against rabies for us pets who's owners love us dearly. Rabies does NOT pose the same threat as it did a hundred years ago. So why subject innocent pets to this cruel and inhumane treatment?
"Should they also quarantine people as well since people aren't inoculated against it? People are just as susceptible to it as we are," Fluffé blurts out obviously distressed to find out that she would not be treated the same as a human although she regards herself as being one. "I've had my needles; ALL of them!!! The Vet did say that there was no rabies on Prince Edward Island and if I wasn't going anywhere I wouldn't need it. But Mom made me have it anyways. She loves me too much to take that chance." Major nods in agreement. He too has had all his needles.
"What I can't understand," he adds,"is that there are no allowances to this rule. That each case can't be judged on an individual basis. Beloved family pets are just warehoused in kennels at the expense of their owner. There is only one group that's benefitting from it and it certainly isn't the pets or their owners."
Which makes another interesting question. Who really is benefitting from this Quarantine Law? It obviously isn't the animals. Think about it. The answer is quite obvious.
According to some statistics, over 3000 animals died while in quarantine between 1972 and 1995 and not one of them from rabies. If that had been human deaths, there would have been public outrage. But why has the government been so neglectful in updating this "ancient" and "outdated" law. Is it the fear of pressure from these people who are becoming quite rich off this "racket," for fear of finding a better word.
"I can't bear to be separated from my "mom". I don't go anywhere without her and won't even go outside unless she's there to watch me," Major Payne says with a tear in his eye. In fact the last time his "mom" went away he wouldn't eat or drink and displayed some separation anxiety and depression. "I don't know if I could last six months. And if I feel that way, how do my peers feel when their owners are forced to have them swept away to cages... a pet jail for something they didn't do and their owners helplessly look on at their well kept vaccinated pet."
"I would never want to admit that I had a rough time of it too when "Mom" went away on vacation too. I went to people I knew.... not complete strangers." Lowering her voice so that Major Payne can't hear her she says as she's always been the stronger of the two, voice quivering, "I lost some of my fur from my nerves. I thought she was never coming back to me. I spent most of my time either howling under the bed or clutched to her dad. He tried to do all sorts to make me feel better but all I wanted was her. I wouldn't even eat my can of real tuna. I was never so happy when I saw her again."
"There is something you can do about it," Major Payne says. "There's this wonderful spot you have to go to. Tell them how you feel. Voice your concerns to the Members of Parliament. If it was your child you were locking up for six months you'd be screaming and while we may wear fur coats all year round, we're mom's children too."
Speak out against this INHUMANE law.
Responsible pet owners vaccinate
You should be hearing
"Against All Odds".
Thank you TRIPOD