Meet who or WHAT you're reading about.
His Royal Nibbs a.k.a. Nibby- a complete and utter idiot who lost everything looking for love in all the wrong places. He thinks only with his second head and thinks winning is everything. What a sad human-like being.
Alice a.k.a. Alice In Her Own Little Wonderland - who believes sleeping to the top is the way to go in her "professional PR opinion." She'll do anything and it's suspected that she was the result of His Royal Nibbs getting a groin injury because she wore high heels while she was climbing her way over him to the top. Who she will sleep with or destroy next to justify her means to her ends, (that is to say, her personal agenda), is anyone's guess. Her actions however, are more paranoid and delusional than anything else.
Baby Face Nellie a.k.a. The Chauffeur - A no chinned waste away who has wangled his way into the outer limits of the Oligarcy. It's presummed that he's performing interesting acts of "service" with both His Royal Nibbs and/or Alice to gain favours and also be allowed to play. Play with what - we may never know but doesn't he handle that imaginary "stick" quite nicely?
Minnie a.k.a. The Social One - As she flies around between the Ironmongers and juggling heavy schedules, she still finds time to have a bit o' fun. Reprimanded heavily by Alice for having the "audacity" to arrange social events without Alice's permission, she has backed off somewhat.
Piggie a.k.a. the non-stop eating machine - Has been known to eat people out of house and home. Has a good command of the "F" word and can use it as a noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, and/or adverb. Thinks he's God's gift. Captured on film by a kill and chill photographer, Piggie is the one with the spoon in his hand.
Lester a.k.a. the neutered one - Thinks he's outspoken but when the going gets rough, he puts the tail between his legs and lets someone else do the fighting for him or ones he says he loves. He has been neutered during his time with the Ironmongers so that he will fall in place and not go walk about.
Shortie a.k.a. the mouth - a vertically challenged youngster who is also friend challenged too. Gives credence to the small dog theory with his actions and doesn't care what happens so long as he can say he has friends.
The little tail waggers who get to play a.k.a a bunch of gutless spineless whimps - Wearing muzzles and lacking in backbone, they hope not to fall victim to the calculating and conniving Alice but speak about her behind her back. When confronted about their actions of non-action, they whine that it's just a bunch of guys wanting to play soccer and if they said anything they wouldn't be able to play. But then again, they're the ones that are always on the field and they've yet to fall victim to Alice's maliciousness. For the moment, they're His Royal Nibbs' prodigys... with of course a couple of suckups who pant loyally on the sidelines and get to play only when the prodigys can't make it. These players will remain so until either they find their backbones to speak out or His Royal Nibbs OR Alice find better players.
THE DISSIDENTS a.k.a. The Group With Morals - Despised and possibly hated by Alice and His Royal Nibbs for speaking out against what was wrong. Most have collected into a small group and Alice, in her paranoia, views them as a threat; one in particular, her arch nemisis, the ex co-manager whom she had thought she had destroyed by character assassinations, lies, and by plying His Royal Nibbs with her body and/or blackmail. The ex co-manager believed in the true spirit of the game which was contrary to her own personal agenda. He, like the other dissidents, knew what she was; a power hungry bitch and she felt threatened. She couldn't be exposed for what she really was. Mainly the better educated and more mature of the original group, The Dissidents knew what was wrong AND THE WHOLE THING STANK.
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