Brieanne's Mum looked very tired. When she arrived, her mum was putting on some of the branches that they had collected and had started to warm up a pot of snow water to make their tea with for supper. Her mum's cough was quite deep and it seems that her cold still hadn't broken properly. Brieanne blamed the dampness of their home for it. She could never remember her mother ever being sick until they got up here.
"Let me take that fish," her mum said. Brieanne handed over the sack and her mom took the fish out. "I'm glad you thought to take some back before the boys arrive so we can have a nice supper tonight." Her mum took the fish over to the rock she always used to cut the fish up with and set it down. She took her knife that she carried with her in her pocket and opened it up. It never took her long to clean a fish. She did it with such expertise. Without a thought she had it completely cleaned. The kittens that they had with them were feasting on the remains that her mum tossed off the rock.
She decided to do the fish a bit differently tonight. Rather than baking it, she cut it in three huge chunks and put them into the old black frypan she had grabbed when they'd fled. She added a bit of the fat that she had saved from cooking the rabbit the week before and added it to the pan. Fried fish. Bethany who hadn't taken her eyes off her mother watched in delight as her mum set it on the hot flat rock she kept by the cooking fire She left for only a second going into the entrance of their home to return with some fresh chives they kept growing inside and some of the bullrush tubers. Pulling out her knife once again, she cut the tubers up and threw them around the fish. She then added the shallots. The meal sizzled and the smell of the fish began to wafer through the air. Her mother added a bit more firewood and the fire danced as it crackled. Bethany giggled thinking the fire was ticklish too.
Brieanne could hear her giggles as she sat by the ledge looking down upon the valley. She thought that Bethany couldn't remember her dad and how he used to horsey horsey them up the stairs to put them to bed. And then he would always playing tickling spider and whispering spider. One would whisper special secrets and the other would tickle them into saying they'd go to sleep! The house was always full of laughter. She could remember her dad's strong hands pulling up the heavy quilts on their beds making sure they wouldn't be cold. He was always worried about that and mum was always complaining that he was always taking out her special guest blankets and putting them on the childrens' beds too. She could remember Mum telling Dad, "stop it.. You're going to make those children sick by so many clothes," where he would retort, "I don't want them getting sick and of course it's always much more snuggly under heavy blankets." She remembers her mum giggling too and thought that dad had kissed her after saying it so that she would drop the subject! They were always hugging one another. You could just feel the love they had for one another radiate off them.
The sun was dipping deeper into the west now and the boys still hadn't returned. Brieanne always feared the worst but more so since she'd heard those sounds. "Brieanne, come and get your supper love," her mum called. But she wasn't hungry. Her stomach had been upset since earlier that day.
"Brieannnnnnne," her mother called once again.
"Coming mum" She rose from her perch and went back over to where her mum was serving up their supper. It really did look good and she knew if she'd been not so upset, she would have gladly woofed it all down. Not to upset her mum, she took the plateful of food and they all went into their home. Bethany's eyes were like saucers at the big piece of fish she had. She was sooooo hungry from their long walk. As the two girls seated themselves around the makeshift table, their mother closed over the opening of the dwelling with one of the quilts she had made long and ever ago. "There we go. Now let's get ourselves fed. I hope both of you girls are hungry."
The small fire that kept the dampness out, lit the surroundings. The walls had been carved by glaciers long ago. At the back of their home were quilts laid upon pine branches to keep their bodies off the cold of the stone. The light from the fire danced off the walls and their shadows appeared larger than life.
"Mum," Bethany asked, "We heard strange sounds today when we were climbing up the path. It was like a big crack and it really scared me. What was it?" Their mum went white. She stammered a bit and said.. "Oh nothing dear. It could have been a tree falling or something."
"But mum, it sounded more than just a tree."
"Bethany, that's enough. It was probably nothing more than just a silly tree falling ok." She glanced over at Brieanne and knew from her expression, it was more than that. "Now come on. I cooked this big supper for us. Let's enjoy it. Brieanne, you'll do the dishes won't you hon? I'm going to slip over to visit Mrs. Davis after supper and Bethany, I want you in bed early tonight. You keep rubbing your eyes so I know you're tired. When your sister does the dishes, you hop to it quick like a bunny."
"Yes mame," Bethany replied. She knew she was tired. But she was going to eat all her dinner too because she knew her mum would be handing out apples and that was one thing Bethany loved. Their mum made small talk to take the awkwardness out of dinner as she was worried Bethany would feel the tension. She spoke of what she'd done during the day and what they'd have to do the next morning. "I think we have enough wood for a couple of days so you girls can take it easy tomorrow. Sleep in. You haven't been able to do it in a while," she said. Bethany was excited. She loved having the chance to sleep in. Brieanne knew it was to keep her out of the way long enough so that she wouldn't hear what might happen in the morning. Bethany was far too young to understand.
Finishing up their dinner, Bethany put her hands out... "Mum, I ate all my supper. Look!" Her mother managed a smile, not the one Brieanne remembered but one that was worn with time. She got up from the table and went over to the sack that had a wonderful aroma coming from it. The smell of fresh apples. She picked out the biggest one she could find and handed it to Bethany. "Thank you mum. I love you!" She leaned forward to kiss her mum, then bounded from the table and began to hum a kitchen waltz she seemed to remember her father used to play. She did seem to remember some things, but only happy times. Brieanne wasn't sure if she was blocking out those other times. To her, they seemed like yesterday. Picking up one of the pudgy kittens, Bethany danced, hummed and stopped only long enough to take bites of her apple. There were no lyrics to the song but she thought it was much happier than the one she hummed earlier with her sister. She had forgotten she was as tired as she was. Her mother returned to the table to finish her dinner while Brieanne picked at hers. "You've got to eat dear. If not you'll get weak. You have to be strong. Now finish up your dinner." Brieanne complied.
Their mum got up from the table and Brieanne started to clear the china and moved it over to the area that they always did their dishes. She moved in and out of her sister as she danced about. "Brieanne, can I have your apple if you don't want it?" Brieanne couldn't resist her smile. There was something about her sister that always brightened everything.. That innocence that could only be of a child. Her mother nodded her permission and Brieanne went over to the sack and picked her sister out an apple. Turning around, Bethany was right on her heels... hands open to receive the precious gift. "Thank you. I love you too," as she gave her sister a kiss. She was never short on showing her affection and love.
Their mum put on her shawl and went over to the chunk of broken mirror that laid against the wall and straightened her hair. She noticed how it was beginning to turn grey in spots and how under her eyes small wrinkles were beginning to appear. In her younger days she was a very handsome woman. She had many suitors try to court her but only one caught her eye. The man to whom she bore her two lovely children that now kept her going. "I'm going over to Mrs. Davis' now and Bethany, remember early to bed once your sister starts on the dishes," and with that she gently went out through the door making sure to make sure the quilt was in place behind her.
"Come on squirt. Finish up that apple. Mum wanted you in bed early. I'm just going to slip out and get that hot water and take it in here ok and you start to get ready." Bethany snorted a yes to her with the apple hanging out of her mouth. Brieanne went out side and with a pot protector, she carried in the hot water to the dishes. She took down a cup and poured some of the water into it and added a bit of the pine needles so that her sister could have her nice warm drink and poured the rest of the water into the old metal dish. She began to wash up the dished gently drying them immediately and putting them away in their special spots so they wouldn't get broken. She was always worried about breaking those dishes. They'd been given to her mum and dad as a wedding present and she knew her mother treasured them. Getting to the end of them, she took the frypan and put that in hoping that the grime would come off easily.
While she was doing that Bethany began to get ready for bed. Trying to climb out of her clothes, she realized she couldn't do it with the apple still in her mouth. She set it on the large rock next to their bed and began hauling everything off. The chill of the air and the wisps of heat made the delicate hair on her arms stand on end and she broke out in goose bumps. "Brieanne... Look.. I'm a goose.. Look at all my bumps," she said giggling. She balled her clothes up and threw them on the floor but noticing her sister's look of disapproval, straightened them up and folded them the best that she could. She took her nightgown, a hand-me-down from her sister and slipped it on. The flannel feeling cold at first warmed up quickly against her body. The nightgown was about 2 feet too long for her and dragged against the ground. Picking up her apple to finish it, she tried to get her sister's attention again. "Brieanne, look ,look, I'm a princess in my special ball gown." She swirled around and around until she was nearly dizzy and fell down upon the bed. "Ouch!" she squealed! Climbing under the covers, she began to get all snuffly. "Brieanne, can I have my tea now? And can you tell me a bedtime story. I want a bedtime story!"
"OK squirt, just a minute and let me finish up these dishes." As she dried the heavy frypan she thought what story should she tell her. Her dad had told her soooo many and she loved them all. She really missed him telling her his stories. She just really missed him. As she thought about it, she heard her sister sigh heavily. "Ok squirt, I'm done." The pan was so clean it nearly gleamed! She got up and finished making the tea for her sister. As she walked over to the bed, the kittens followed her. The dancing kitten crawled up and laid by Bethany's head and started to purr while the other two crawled under the covers to nestle by her toes. Setting the glass on the rock next to the bed, she sat down. "Now I wonder what story I shall tell tonight."
If you want a bit more then... Go to chapter 3!
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