Welcome To My Personal Rant!

Hiya.. you've made your way through here just to listen to me rant... To tell you some of the things that tick me off. In fact, I'm usually a quiet person. I don't usually get upset about things. I almost never say "boo". Well almost... but this has to be said.

I looked into joining a webring; The Voices of Women. Wow I thought. This is great! The web page said that it was a medium for women over 18... but was it really? It appeared to be written by a woman for women... but then it got really interesting. My pages which deal with a whole range of topics, much found within my poetry was not considered one of these women's voices. So, domestic violence, love, everyday trials and tribulations, and family aren't pertinent to women as far as this webring called The Voices of Women are concerned.

But the most interesting thing of it all was that some GUY rejected the page... so much for the true voices of women for the ones who are on that ring are nothing more than in my view, mere puppets for their men, really without a voice of their own. And in the truest sense of feminism, he may have his opinion of what a women's voice should say... BUT I HAVE MINE.

Now this is not a personal attack on any one particular group but it does serve as a valuable lesson. Anything that seems too good to be true more than likely is. It's like getting that sweepstakes package in the mail saying you've won this and that but not realizing that hundreds of thousands of other people got the same package. It's like government promising to end poverty then cutting the very programs that may help do that. So while you're out there in cyberspace... be careful.. for you know not what you may find.

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All comments here are just the opinions of the writer. There is no intent of maliciousness or any other intent that could possibly be conceived.

You should be hearing "Red Red Wine"

Please take time to look at the pictures.. it could mean one less missing child...

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